Fox kit

Fox kit

Monday, June 28, 2010

Haven't done too much photography lately. I did frame up some things for Art in the Park, a big celebration here on the 3rd and 4th of July. I like the four Iris prints, framed that in a 16X20, like how it came out. Hung a new show at the Pueblo gallery on Sunday. Put Flow in that show.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Getting ready to go write about bad guys in my crime column for the local weekly paper: Cops, Criminals and Courts. It's a fun thing to do, draws on my years as a prosecutor, and keeps me out of trouble for a day.

Here are some variations on a theme. Took the original picture at my daughter's house. She has some beautiful Iris in her yard.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Worked in Pueblo today at the gallery, part of my coop agreement. Didn't take any pictures but did do some journalism shots this week. Covered a preliminary hearing in an attempted murder case and got a shot of the accused as he came up the stairs in the courthouse. Not a really nice looking guy. 

Here's a nicer shot, it's called "Flow"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Have been taking photos for the paper, Mayor Hickenlooper was in town, shot him and his 7 yr-old son Teddy. Also caught an arrest going down at the side of the highway, was able to get that and identify the folks. And yes, took some landscapes too.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Went to the lake today. The air was sweet, Russian olives, I imagine. I saw several Gt. Blue Herons, not too close though. It was just nice being outside. Sad that I saw obits in the Denver Post of two people I knew. One a photographer who used to live in the San Luis Valley and the other a nationally storyteller I met while living in the Valley. Both died too young of cancer. It's a terrible disease.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Well, got my business taken care of ....tooled over to the game refuge in Monte Vista, one of my favorite places and saw lots of nice stuff. Got good shots of one of my favorite ducks, the Ruddy Duck, it has a bright blue bill and a cute little duck head. It's nearly as cute as a Bufflehead Duck, probably my favorite....but not quite. Then got some nice yellow-headed black birds to pose and saw a lesser heron. Wanted to see a Gt. Blue but that didn't happen. You know you don't always get what you want....but you always get what you need. so, it was a nice camera day.
Going to the San Luis Valley today on business. Probably won't have a chance to take pictures but will take the camera just in case. Always keep it handy. Not quite the Boy Scout motto but it works.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Worked on the newspaper today. Unfortunately we had to print my Memorial Day photos in black and white, too many good color photos this week. I went cruising for a bit after work and saw the fox kits I've been following. Got some nice shots around 4 p.m. There were three of them at the den and one stuck around. He took a little nap while I watched.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Had a good day shooting. Saw some osprey at my favorite lake, took some wildflower photos and some old signs on a barn. I will shoot anything that catches my eye....that's what did today. Nice time.

A Photographer's Notebook

This will be my first blog...just talking about taking pictures and what happens along the way.