Fox kit

Fox kit

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Went to the Sand Dunes the other day when I was delivering some art work to two places in the San Luis Valley. Got some late afternoon shots. It was a beautiful day, a little warm but nice nevertheless.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This evening I glanced out the door and saw the tail of a fox go by. So I grabbed my camera and sneaked outside. Didn't see the fox right away but saw a doe and her twins. So, I shot them for a while. Then I saw the fox again, then a hummingbird went by and landed in a pine tree, so I had to shoot him, then the fox was there again. Then the fawns decided to bound through the neighbors yard as if they had springs in their legs. They were playing tag, I think. They raced right by me. I grabbed a shot of one of them on the run. They were panting like little puppies when they ended the chase. But they took at least five laps around the yard while mom patiently watched.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I was in the San Luis Valley on business so after that was complete, drove to the game preserve in Monte Vista. Didn't know what I'd find but was sort of hoping for Gt. Blue Herons. Instead got a nice shot of some wading birds and this Snowy Egret.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Saw my first fawns of the season. Drove around town, near the lakes, places where I'd heard of sightings then something told me to come back toward my house. Sure enough, one street away I saw two does and a pair of twins. As I continued to watch their was one fawn with one doe and twins with the other. I got some nice shots. I smiled a lot.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Had a good weekend at the Art in the Park in La Veta. Went shooting today and found a swallowtail butterfly. It was a beautiful drive, peaceful, quiet. Just me and the butterfly for a long time.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

So, I worked at the paper on Wed., did errands all day today until evening then headed to the lake to "heron hunt." I went to a place that's shallow with nice reeds and didn't see any and was thinking, hmmm, this looks like a good place for a heron to be hanging out, when one silently lifted up and glided away.

I then went over to another place, usually don't go there, it's down a long path, usually don't have good luck there and at first didn't see anything but then there was a heron just standing there. So, I took several (ok, 200) pictures. It was nice. This is one.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Haven't done too much photography lately. I did frame up some things for Art in the Park, a big celebration here on the 3rd and 4th of July. I like the four Iris prints, framed that in a 16X20, like how it came out. Hung a new show at the Pueblo gallery on Sunday. Put Flow in that show.